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Q: What do sea water and carbonated beverages have in common?
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What sea water compounds are most common?

Water is the most common compound in sea water

Why will drinking sea water or carbonated soft drinks produce more thirst?

Because both have substances that cause the body to dehydrate

Is kelp forest sea water or fresh water?

The common Kelp as we know grows in sea water.

How common is prepared from sea water?

by the process of evaporation. when sea water evaporates salt is left behind. same process is done at the shore of sea...

How common salt is prepared from sea water?

by the process of evaporation. when sea water evaporates salt is left behind. same process is done at the shore of sea...

What are the most common chemicals in sea water?

Sodium Chlroide

What is the most common substance dissolved in sea water?


What does the sea breeze and land breeze have in common?

Land breeze is in the air sea breeze is in the water

Why is there bubbles when a tsunami is coming?

Apparently the bubbles or frothing are formed by a change of chemicals in the water. I've read that prior to a tsunami, the sea water might make our skin itch too. The example I read stated that it's much like the effect of carbonated water....the gas or gases having come from a possible at-sea earthquake or an at-sea volcano (underwater, obviously!).

What is the most common salt in the sea?

The most common salt in sea water is sodium chloride (NaCl); the concentration is approx. 36 g/L.

What major bodies of water in of Asia?

The common bodies of water in Asia are the following: Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian ocean, Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

What does sea water and soda pops have in common?

They're both solutions