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Q: What do senior management do at a school?
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What is senior management?

Senior management are those people in the management hierarchy who do not report to anybody above them, besides to the Board of Directors (if there is one).

Should senior management be capitalized?


What does senior management mean?

Senior management refers to the highest level of a given organization who are tasked with the day to day management. They usually hold specific executive powers.

Are you considered a high school senior the summer of your senior year or when you actually physically start school?

As soon as school is out after 11th grade, you are a senior!

What has the author Patrick P Corey written?

Patrick P. Corey has written: 'The senior management team and managerial culture in a grammar school'

What is an executive secretary?

Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.Executive secretaries assist and report directly to the executive management and senior level members of an organization.

When was The King's School Senior created?

The King's School Senior was created in 1987.

When was Churchlands Senior High School created?

Churchlands Senior High School was created in 1962.

When was Lynwood Senior High School created?

Lynwood Senior High School was created in 1974.

What is the name of a high school in Hollywood?

well.... there is Hollywood senior high school, Fairfax senior high school, Loyola high school, San Fernando senior high school, Burbank high school, Belmot senior high school, and Arcadia high school thats all i know

If you Had no placement in the senior high school what should you do?

If you Had no placement in the senior high school what should you do?

What is a mid-level manager?

Conventially management levels are named as Senior management, Middle management and Junior management. Senior management is the top echelon, reporting to a general manager, President or Chairman. Junior management are usually of the 'supervisory' level, supervising the activities of teams of operatives, clerks, technicians etc. In between these two levels there will be middle management. Their functions are very varied, but they are placed in between the senior managers and the junior managers to reduce the number of staff reporting directly to the senior managers.