

What do shrooms look like?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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Just like any other mushroom. Which is why they can be VERY dangerous if you're looking for them in the wild and you don't know what you're doing. Because they are almost Identical to some of the most poisoness fungi in the world. The only way you can tell weather the mushroom is your best friend, or worst enemy, is by bruising it(pinching it) while it's still rooted to the ground. If they are a lighter blue color. You're in for a trip between salvia and acid. Be Very VERY careful about the darker one's though. If it turns purple, i would strongly suggest you not do it. because you'll trip like a 2 year old. But if the trip doesn't kill you, you're mushrooms will. So remember, the darker the mushroom is after you pinch it, the more risk there is in eating them. And don't think any mushroom will get you high. because that is SO SO wrong. The mushrooms you're lookin for have blue/red/green (only one of those colors) spots on them. Look them up on Google images. And also, i would never suggest eating more then 20. and that is still a whole lot. if you're i first time user, only eat around 8/10 light ones. But everyone is different.

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No, but shrooms can be tested for in an extended drug test.

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you gotta be joking right?? halucinogenic mushrooms grow on cow poop..... often tresspassers on private farms go out at night to harvest the shrooms.... so if Michigan is anything like the rest of the states, and you have abundant farm land, then yes you do have shrooms in Michigan.

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Vomiting is a big sign. From my experiences (family members) the vomit is generally yellowish.

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