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Q: What do slaves celebrate?
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Did Slaves Celebrate Christmas?

It would depend on whether the slaves were Christians.

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freedom of slaves and equality of all men

Why plaNtation owners were afraid slaves using instruments to celebrate slave escaped?


Plantation owners were afraid that slaves were using instruments to celebrate when a slave escaped?


Were plantation owners afraid that slaves were using instruments to celebrate when a slave escaped?


Why do people celebrate the Erie Canal?

People celebrate the Erie because it was such hard work for the slaves building it so we celebrate how lucky we are to have those courageous people to build our Erie :) You can use my words 8*)

True or false. Plantation owners were afraid that slaves were using instruments to celebrate when a slave escaped?


Plantation owners were afraid that slaves were using instruments to celebrate when a slave escaped True or False?


Why do united people celebrate carnival Rio de Janeiro?

Traditicion of the Slaves come from South Africa

A man trained to fight with weapons in an arena.?

In Ancient Rome, certain slaves were trained to fight other slaves in an arena, often to the death. Such fights were put on as a public spectacle , often celebrate a religious festival. Such slaves were called gladiators.

Why do you celebrate Harriet Tubman life?

Becuase she helped slaves escape freedom and she was also one of the resaons slavery was over.

Is it true that plantation owners were afraid that slaves were using instruments to celebrate when a slave escaped?

No, not true. Think of your question. It doesn't make sense. slaves didn't have instruments and any celebrating would have not have happened.