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they get inside their shell and sometimes fall asleep

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Q: What do snails do when they get cold?
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Can a snail survive cold temperatures?

Yes, snails can survive cold temperatures. The snails will stay out until the temperature turns to freezing then they will seek shelter.

Are apple snails cold water or warm water snails?

Apple snails are comfortable in water temperatures of 65-82 degrees Fahrenheit

Do snails prefer their shells?

Snails do not have an opinion of their shell. It grows with them and offers them protection from the sun, predators, and the cold.

Do snails die when it is cold?

Almost all snails die before the colder seasons.

Is a snail cold-blooded or warmblooded?

No snails are not, they are gastropods, Primitive mollusks

Do snails die in hot or cold weather?

warm water

What do snails do when they are cold?

When a snail is cold they will attempt to move to a warmer location in their immediate environment. If they stay cold, they will then burrow under foliage to 'sleep' until the temperature is at a preferable level. Snails will produce a special form of slime and seal off the opening of their shell.

Do snail like cold weather?

yes I have 2 snails and I put them in a thunderstorm and they liked it.

Do garden snails like the warmth or the cold?

they like neither, they're not animals, they're aliens

Is frogs burrow the mud snails bury themselves and you air your quilts preparing for the cold an idiom?


What do you put at the bottom of a snails cage?

My step dad brought back snails from a warm state to Missouri a cold state an we placed them in a plastic container with water an brown paper. They have survived for about month so far.

Who decided to make snails a French dish?

Nobody, snails are a common dish in many countries, not just France. In Spain, it is one of the tapas dishes. In Italy, it was eaten during the meatless days. In France, large Burgundy snails are stuffed with a cold garlic and parsley butter. I guess this particular stuffing is how they got known as a French specialty. Smaller varieties of snails are also used in different places, with a tomato sauce. Whatever you do, never use canned snails, these are truly disgusting. Most snails now come from China, they have nothing in common with wild snails.