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If they are in correctly and are undamaged, you won't even notice they are there. However, if they have not been put in properly (in-side-out for example) or the lenses are split or damaged in any way, they will irritate your eyes. You may also suffer irritation if the lenses begin to dry out. Air conditioning is the most common cause of this and using eye drops will really help. Make sure you buy eye drops that are safe for use with contact lenses, your Optomstrist will be able to advise you on ths. You may also experience irritation if you wear your contact lenses or longer than is recommeded. This can also be harmful to your eyes.

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Q: What do soft contact lenses feel like when they are in your eyes?
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How do you keep your contact lens in place?

After putting your contact lens in your eyes, they should remain in place. I have acuvue lenses and it comes with a solution in the package. The solution is like a magnet. It stays on my pupil until I feel like removing them.

Where can you buy contact lenses that look like husky eyes?

You might want to ask your optometrist if he or she can recommend a source or brand of contact lenses that look like a Siberian husky's eyes. You should probably be wary of anything sold online in this area.

How do you make brown eyes into hazel?

Use contact lenses that are hazel coloured or get the things like contact lenses but they only change colour of eye once in and doesnt effect your eyesight.

You wanted to get contact lenses but they feel really weird it feels like they are going to pop out should you get them?

It can take a while to get used to contact lenses, but they should not feel like they will pop out if they have been properly fitted. You should feel as if they weren't there at all. Make sure they have been prescribed for your own eye.

Where can you buy coloured contact lenses to make your eyes look like those of a Husky dog?

I'm looking for prescription or non-prescription lenses that make your eyes look like this:

What color is rey mysterio's eyes?

Rey Mysterio's eye color is brown. He is known to wear different colored contact lenses in each eye. He is a professional wrestler.

Can you wear contact lenses if you dont need them?

no way it makes your eyes bad just like when people are blind

How do colored contact lenses work?

Contact lenses work very similarly to glasses in terms of repairing vision. They are magnified lenses that enlarge everything in sight. Lenses are shaped to conform to the shape of your eyes. Once patients who wear them get comfortable wearing them, they shouldn't even notice they are in. Special lenses are made for those with irregularly shaped eyes (astigmatisms, toric lenses). These are supposed to fit better and not fall out or get irritated as often.

Can circle lens contacts harm your eyes when you don't wear contacts?

You should always get your eyes fitted for contact lenses by your eye doctor, even if you don't need prescriptive lenses. This, combined with safe shopping, will help keep your eyes safe. Circle contact lenses, like any contact lens, is a medical device and needs to be fitted to your eye for a safe fit and worn under the advice of your eye doctor. There are circle lenses available in non-prescriptive powers. This is a page that shows a before and after as well as an example of FDA approved circle lenses available. I like this site because they ask for prescriptions.

How do you get your eyes to turn red and black like sasuke from the show naruto?

There are cosmetic contact lenses made for cosplay purposes. If you so a search for Uchiha contact lenses, you should be able to pull up designs for the various members of the Uchiha family.

What do contact lenses feel like?

they dont hurt at all if used correctly when i first put them on it felt werid but i got used to it