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buoyant husks

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Q: What do some seeds and fruits have that allows them to float?
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Why do some fruits have one seed and some fruits have many seeds?

depend which fruit

How does seeds develop?

some plants have seeds in them and they burp them out and some fruits have seeds in them and if a birds eats the fruit the bird could drop one of the seeds and the seed would then be planted.

Why some plants have flowers?

To produce fruits and seeds

Why do fruits produce seeds?

All plants and animals have some form of reproduction whether it be seeds or underground runners, eggs or live birth.

What is the importance of fruits in plant survival?

please I need some answers :(( The fruits produce seeds and after ripening of fruits the seeds are dispersed and germinate to give rise many individuals of that plant.

What are some fruits with seeds?

I think cantoloupe has about six.... i think

Why do some fruits have seeds and others don't?

All fruits have seeds, as that is the point of having fruit (the seeds get eaten by animals then dispersed throughout after passing through the animal's digestive tract). The only fruit that don't have seeds are the ones that humans have selectively bred not to produce seeds.

Do all fruits float in water.?

== Yes because the volume of water displaced by a cherry is enough that the buoyant force of the water is able to counteract the force of the cherry's weight.==

Local fruits without seeds?

I think cantoloupe has about six.... i think

Why don't mostsubstance float in air if they float in water?

It is waters greater density than air that allows some substances to float on water.

Why do some flowers fail to have fruits or seeds?

Due to male or female sterility

Why some fruits have less seeds?

because god made it that way! :D