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They can control gas exchange in the tissues. When they are constricted, there is almost complete no gas exchange. The blood just bypasses the tissues.

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Q: What do sphincters in capillary beds do?
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What structures in capillary beds open to allow the capillaries to perfuse with blood?

precapillary sphincters

What would not result in the dilation of the feeder arterioles and opening of the precapillary sphincters in systemic capillary beds?

a local increase in pH

What would not result in thedilation of the feeder arterioles and opening of the precapillary sphincters in the systemic capillary beds?

a local increase in pH

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Capillary beds

What is the function of a capillarie?

Capillaries make possible the exchange of molecules between blood and interstitial fluid. Sphincters open and close to regulate the flow of blood through capillary beds.

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How do precapillary sphincters help regulate blood pressure and body temperature?

the Precapillary Sphincters control blood pressure and body temperature by regulating the flow of blood to the capillary bed.

What is capillary washout?

Capillary washout is a stage of shock that is irreversible. When capillary washout occurs all cell functions stop and the cells die. There is large amounts of potassium acid forced in to the openings of the capillary sphincters and begin to form clots.

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capillary beds

Are all capillary beds continuously perfused with blood?


How is the blood flow through capillary beds locally controlled?

This involves the local control of smooth muscle in microcirculation. The metarterioles function as shunts to bypass capillaries and the rings of smooth muscle at strategic locations . They can contract to increase blood flow through capillaries and vice versa. The pre-capillary sphincters contract and relax in response to local factors only. Its contraction constricts the capillary and decreases blood flow and vice versa.