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Q: What do state government affect?
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What power does the national government has but not the state?

The national government can:raise armiesdeclare warprint currencyregulate international trade and interstate commercemake treatiespardon criminals convicted of crimes against the federal government (Nixon and Watergate)In other words, the national government has the power to affect the nation as a whole (like declaring war) whereas the state government can affect individuals' daily lives more heavily (state budget cuts, provide for public health).

How does Hurricane Sandy affect the government?

State governments declare emergencies to qualify for federal assistance (dollars).

Do states rarely cooperate on projects that affect them?

No, they obviously would cooperate if that project affected that state. It is a common sense of devotion of that state government to cooperate.

How does the principle of federalism affect the US government?

By dividing some responsibilities between the federal and state governments

Political parties mainly affect democratic systems of government by?

Political parties have developed alongside democracy. State's party system profoundly affect the character of democracy. Without good character, systems of government will fail.

If there are 50 states in the U.S. does that mean that there are 50 governments?

In a manner of speaking yes. Each state has it's own government, which governs the people and issues within that state's boundaries. However, there is also a federal government, which in charge of issues that affect the entire nation. Additional types of government include country government, which is a sub-section of a state and also city government.

How did the close reconstruction affect the federal government?

the balance of power between federal and state governments was restored NOVANET

How did the close of the reconstruction affect the Federal government?

the balance of power between federal and state governments was restored NOVANET

In what ways do the states aid the national government-?

The states ratify ammendaments. But only amendments that pertain or affect the state.

What affects does illegal immigration have on us?

It has a affect on you because if the government the chases the immigrants out of one state; they might come into yours.

How does the government affect peoples way of life?

How does the government affect people's lifestyle

How does government stability affect a business?

Yes the government can affect the stability of a business