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Q: What do taxpayers pay for with the death penalty?
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Cons of death penalty?

A con of the death penalty is that it costs the taxpayers a lot of money. The death penalty also comes with moral concerns.

A discussion on whether death penalty is a deterrent to murder?

I do not think that the death penalty is much of a deterrent, but is a fact that murderers who are put to death will kill no one else, and will not have his miserable life supported at taxpayers' expense.

Is it fair for taxpayers who are against the death penalty to actually pay for someone to be killed?

No it is not fair for people to acually go against what they believe in to support it! the whole idea for tax, i think, is to help people or idems to and for a good cause

What re all the advantages of death penalty?

The advantages of the death penalty are that it stops criminals for reofending and the tax payer doesn't have to pay for imprisonment. It could also stop other criminals from offending because if you get caught there is the prospect of death.

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how much money do taxpayers pay in expenses created by crashes

Is it true that a native American cannot get death penalty in America?

Actually no. I am part Lakota and though we don't pay taxes with the IRS and all that we do go to jail and get the death penalty

Why should people used their tax money for capital punishment?

The citizens of the individual states vote for or against capital punishment. Death penalty or life without parole, both are payed for by taxpayers.

What are the good effects of death penalty?

The dead cannot re-offend. Taxpayers do not need to feed, clothe, and provide medical care for a dead man that would otherwise be incarcerated for the rest of their live.

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.

Is death penalty too harsh a penalty?

Depends on what you did. I honestly think that if you raped or killed someone, the death penalty wouldn't be too harsh. i agree with this how would you like it if someone killed your brother or something you would want pay back i kno i would

What is the death penalty for Romania?

Now, no death penalty in Romania.

Does Nebraska have the death penalty?

No,the state of Nebraska does not have the death penalty.