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There are no boundaries in Antarctica, unless you want to acknowledge the overlapping territorial claims of several nations, which are invalidated by the Antarctic Treaty.

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Q: What do the Antarctic boundaries mean?
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What are Antarctic land boundaries?

There are no land boundaries on the Antarctic continent, because there is no reason for any land boundaries there.

What do Antarctic boundaries form?

There are no boundaries on Antarctica.

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Is there any life on Antarctic cycle of the earth?

If you mean Antarctic CIRCLE, YES, there's human life north and south of the Antarctic CIRCLE, and almost definitely life on the fine line that is the Antarctic CIRCLE.

Does an antarctic reproduce sexually or asexually?

Antartica is a continent - they do not reproduce at all If you mean a creature such as an antarctic penguin then compose another question

What ways can you travel when you get to the Antarctic?

Visitors to the Antarctic arrive on boats and use these vessels to move around in Antarctic waters. On land, visitors walk in limited areas. People who live and work temporarily in Antarctica usually walk about in the boundaries of the research station where they are assigned. Movement beyond the station is accomplished by Ski-Doo, Tucker, or helicopter, depending on the requirements of the mission at hand.

Which ocean would you find divergent plate boundaries?

The Oceans that are associated with divergent plates boundary includes; Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Antarctic Ocean and Indian Ocean.

What does boundaries of a circle mean?

you cant go outside of it

How cold is the Antarctic sea for humans?

it is too cold for swimming if that is what you mean

What does it mean when the sun is directly at the Arctic or Antarctic Circle?

When the sun is directly at the Arctic or Antarctic Circle, it means that the calendar date is at a solstice or seasonal change.