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I listed the 12 disciples names and the meaning is followed by the colon (:)

Simon who was called Peter: Simon means "It is heard" and Peter means "A Rock"

Andrew: Manly, Courageous

James, son of Zebedee: Supplanter

John: God Is Gracious, Merciful

Philip: Lover Of Horses

Bartholomew: Son Of Tolmai

Thomas: A twin

Matthew: God's gift

James, son of Alphaeus: Supplanter

Thaddaeus: Brave heart

Simon the Zealot: It is heard

Judas Iscariot: Demon

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Q: What do the Disciples' names mean?
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What are the meanings of the twelve disciples' names?

Their names were common names for the time period. Example: Jude, Judas, Jesus are all variations of the same name.

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The name of the first four disciples were Andrew, Peter, James and john. These four were fishermen.

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The names commonly associated with the 12 disciples in Western culture are translations or adaptations of their original Hebrew or Aramaic names. As Christianity spread throughout the Western world, these names were anglicized for ease of pronunciation and understanding by Western audiences.

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