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Well, they are both genocides, a deliberate attempt to wipe out a specific race or species. Also, the genocide's were well organized. There were forced racial/religion markers, in Rwanda people had to have special ID's, the Holocaust had yellow stars. Those are some similarities that i know. The main difference is the fact that most people didn't know what was going on in the holocaust and if they did couldn't really escape, but in Rwanda it was broadcasted on the radio, and people were able to escape a little bit more. I hope I helped!

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Q: What do the Holocaust and Rwnadan Genocide have in common?
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Who died in the rwnadan genocide?

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Genocide was the word used to describe what happened in the Holocaust.

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No, the Holocaust is the name of one specific attempted genocide.

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Genocide is the mass murder of people of a particular race or origin. The Holocaust was the mass murder of the jews, a group of people sharing in many cases a race or common origin.

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The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian genocide.

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The Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.

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"The Holocaust" was the name given to the Jewish genocide after the fact. The Rwandan genocide does not have a specific name, but they are both genocides.

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The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian genocide.

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There isn't really any difference, the Holocaust just refers to the genocide of the Jews during WW2, so the Holocaust was a genocide, it just refers to a specific one.

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Genocide is the answer.

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The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of 8 million Jews. The holocaust was the genocide of over 8 million people.

Is there an adverb for holocaust?

The word "holocaust" is a noun meaning a fire, or Holocaust meaning a genocide in World war II. The adverb form for the common noun would be the ungainly "holocaustally" or "holocaustically."