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make it into lubricant

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Q: What do the Japanese and Chinese do with the oil from the killer whales?
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What are the environmental Issues of Killer whales?

Killer whales are killed from oil leaks in the ocean

Was killer whales there when the oil spill?

yeah your mama was

Why do they eat the whales?

The same reason they eat anything else, for sustenance. Both orcas (killer whales) and humans (mainly Inuit and Japanese) have traditionally been predators on whales. Because icy climates have little in the way of plants or vegetables, the native tribes there have traditionally hunted whales, seals, and walrus as a source of food, as well as for their skins, furs, oil, and bone from which to carve tools.

Can you find the reasons why killer whales has been labeled endangered?

Back in the 16th century, the Norther Roman Empire had fleets set up in the North Sea for early sea drilling, but these ancient oil platforms proved unreliable, so the Romans had to kill many Killer Whales to protect the fragile platforms, which attracted Killer Whales.

What can eat a killer whale?

Killer Whales are at the very VERY VERY TOP of the food chain in the ocean. Even the Great White shark and Blue Whales would stay clear of this animal. Until we discover something greater in the ocean, it is fair to say that nothing WILL eat a Killer Whale. Killer Whales have not been known to kill each other, and humans have not been recorded directly eating the flesh of killer whales (they are usually hunted for their blubber, which is used in making oil, not eating). But regardless of that, Humans and Killer Whales COULD eat killer whales. You could go further and say sharks could eat baby killer whales (although its unlikely because youngsters are carefully guarded by their parents), or even other giant animal like Polar Bears and Leopard Seals... Any carnivore CAN EAT a killer whale, its just a matter of killing it fist!

What type of weather related problems do killer whales face?

Oil spills due to the result of BP. Those bastards.

How can you save killer whales?

We can help clean the water after nasty oil spills and get help if we see an animal being injured.

Do whales have meat or blubber?

Killer Whales (Orca orca) have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm. Killer whales are a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family.

Are killer whales at the top of a food chain?

Yes. Usually nothing attacks a killer whale (although a shark might go after an unprotected calf), and once in a great while, humans will hunt them for food and/or oil. Killer whales are not the biggest toothed mammal, that is the sperm whale. Sperm whales eat fish and squid, not killer whales. Killer whales almost never attack the sperm whale.

What is killer whale's enemies?

killer whales or orca's enemy is human beings and that is there only

What threatens the killer whales?

Although killer whales, or orcas, have no natural predators, they are threatened by loss of prey due to over-fishing and over-hunting by humans, loss of safe habitat due to human actvities, pollution (oil and PCBs), and capture for marine mammal parks.

Why do people want to hunt Killer Whales?

oil, meat whale meat is orca meat is actually quite tasty but these poor creatures are endangered