

What do the Kwanzaa people put their candles on?

Updated: 4/4/2020
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13y ago

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The candleholder used during Kwanzaa is called a kinara. It sits on an mkeka, or mat.

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Q: What do the Kwanzaa people put their candles on?
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Which Kwanzaa color candle symbolizes the future?

The green candles are vision candles - candles of hopes, dreams, and promises for the future in Kwanzaa

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Is the nine candles a tradition for Kwanzaa?

yes it is

What do the candles of Kwanzaa represent?

Unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith are what the seven candles represent in kwanzaa. The candles are color coded. Three are red, one is black, and three are green. The previously mentioned colors are arranged in left-to-right order.

What does the green candle stand for on Kwanzaa?

In Kwanzaa, the colours of the candles are simple: black for the people, red for their struggle, and green for the future and hope that comes from their struggle. Hope this helps.

Is it true or false that the menorah is a candleholder with places for nine candles that are the traditional symbols of Kwanzaa?

False, the menorah is not a traditional symbol of Kwanzaa. True, it is a candleholder with places for nine candles to celebrate the Jewish holiday Hanukkah. But there also is a special candleholder with which to celebrate Kwanzaa. It is called the kinara, but has places for only seven candles.

What are some Kwanzaa decorations?

lights, Christmas trees ,candles ,and presents

How many candles are on the Kwanzaa?

Seven (7) candles are found on the Kwanzaa kinara. Specifically, there are three red, one black, and three green. The previously mentioned colors are arranged in left-to-right order.

What are three of Kwanzaa's seven symbols and their meanings?

The crops, the mat, the kinara, the corn, the seven candles, the unity cup, and the gifts are the symbols of kwanzaa. Specifically, the kinara is the candle holder for the three red, one black and three green candles of the lighting ceremony aspect of kwanzaa. The candles celebrate unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.

What is the significance of the Kwanzaa candles?

They symbolize the joining of the Homosapien to the religious aspects of the Kwanzaa belief and it is with this spiritual connection that these candles help us relate to who was and who will become.

What are facts about Kwanzaa?

people decorate their houses with the colors of the flag. People lay out straw in a special place in a house. people light candles each day and do a celebration for each one.

What does the candles on Kwanzaa mean?

The unity of African-Americans in the United States of America and the relationship of the festive celebration to their culture are what the black candle means in kwanzaa. It is one of seven candles found in the special candle holder called the kinara. The other six candles are divided equally into three red and three green.