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The Mormon pioneers ended their migration at huge empty valley with very little fresh water and even less vegetation, inhabited by a handful of Native Americans. The valley is now called the Salt Lake Valley and is has a population of over 1 million.

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Q: What do the Mormon migration find when they get to there destination?
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Where is the Mormon migration?

Meaning where did they go? The final destination was Salt Lake City, Utah. The migration lasted from 1846 until about 1900, when the Church leaders began to encourage the members to stay in their homelands rather than migrate to Salt Lake City.

Where was the Mormon destination?

The Celestial Kingdom.

How was the Mormon migration set up?

It was not a migration they were forced out of every other state they tried to settle by the government!!!!

Who led the Mormon migration to the great salt lake areas?

Brigham Young!

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Oklahoma was the destination.

What ways was the Mormon migration unique?

Unlike the pioneers who went west on the Oregon trail to find new land to farm & ranch. The Mormon migration was unique in that the Mormons were heading into the American West to find a safe haven from persecution. Mobs in Illinois had burned their homes, killed their prophet and had forced them to flee Illinois. The federal government didn't come to their aid, even though the constitution granted them 'FREEDOM OF RELIGION'. They had no other choice.

What are the 3 destination during the great migration?

Chesapeake Bay, West Indies, and Jamestown, Virginia

When did Mormon migration west end?

Techincally, you could say that the Mormon migration ended in the early 1900's, before World War 1. At this time, Church leaders asked members to stop moving to Utah and instead stay in their home countries or towns so that they could help build up the Church there.

What is an example of step migration?

Step migration is a form of migration that occurs in stages or steps. Examples of this would be like when the slaves were on the Underground Railroad and had to stop at safe-houses along the way before reaching their final destination.

What role did religion play in the lives of pilgrims and puritans?

It was a major reason for their migration. Look into Calvinism. Pre-destination wasn't accepted in Europe and many believers instead came to America.

What was the basic purpose of the Mormon migration westward?

The Mormons travelled west to escape religious persecution. They were looking for a place where they could practice their religion in peace.