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The dates on the map of the Lewis and Clark expedition represent their progress and location as they journeyed westward from 1804 to 1806. These dates mark significant milestones and key points of exploration during their historic expedition across the western United States.

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Q: What do the dates on the map represent Lewis and clark?
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What helped Lewis and clark map their journey?

Lewis and Clark used a combination of navigational instruments like compasses and sextants, Native American guides and interpreters, and astute observation of the landscape to map their journey across the western United States. They also made detailed notes and sketches of the terrain, flora, fauna, and the various Native American tribes they encountered.

Who drew the maps on the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The maps on the Lewis and Clark expedition were primarily drawn by William Clark, who was the expedition's co-leader and a skilled cartographer. Clark meticulously mapped the terrain, waterways, and Native American tribes encountered during the expedition, providing valuable information for future explorers and settlers.

Where did Lewis and Clark stand when surveying the land to map?

Lewis and Clark stood on various vantage points, such as hills or high ground, to survey the land and map the territories they explored during their expedition. They used a combination of compass readings, celestial observations, and sketches to create their maps of the Western United States.

What two explorers were sent to survey the land?

Lewis and Clark were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase in 1804. They led the Corps of Discovery on a three-year expedition to map the land and establish American presence in the West.

What was the mission of Lewis and Clark in exploring the Louisiana Territory?

The mission of Lewis and Clark was to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, map out the land, establish trade with Native American tribes, and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean. They were also tasked with studying the plants, animals, and geography of the region.

Related questions

What did Lewis and Clark want to accomplish?

what Lewis and clark wanted to accomplish was to map the entire Louisiana purchase

Who created the map for the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

cartographer was the person who makes map

What Lewis and clark learned?

Lewis and Clark learned about doing maps and make detail on the map

Why did president Jefferson need Lewis and clark on the expedition where?

President Jefferson needed Lewis and Clark to map the Louisiana Territory and to explore it.

Who led the Lewis and Clark expedition Lewis or Clark?

The Lewis and Clark expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They were both co-captains of the expedition, which aimed to explore and map the newly acquired territory of the Louisiana Purchase.

What was the meaning of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Lewis and clark were commissioned by the queen of England. after Columbus disscovered America the queen wanted a detailed map so Lewis and clark started mapping it from the east coast to the west coast

What pair of explorers did Thomas Jefferson send to the American West to map the American territory?

Meriwhether Lewis and William Clark. Mostly referred to as Lewis and Clark

Did Lewis and Clark explore India?

No, Lewis and Clark were involved in an expedition to map and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.Lewis and Clark Expedition (1803-06)Full information found here:Who_were_Lewis_and_Clark_and_what_was_their_significance

How can the map help understand journey Lewis and Clark?

It can show you the way they traveled .

What directions did Jefferson give Lewis and clark before they left st Lewis?

He asked Lewis and Clark to map a route to the Pacific Ocean, to study climate, wildlife, and mineral resources of the new lands.

What was the difference in rank between Lewis and clark?

Lewis was the main explorer who chose which path to take and Clark was the one to map the areas they traveled

What was the group of explorers called in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The group of explorers in the Lewis and Clark expedition were known as the Corps of Discovery. Led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, they set out to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory in the early 1800s.