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The sweets, spices and/or nuts represent the gifts given to jesus The sweets, spices and/or nuts represent the gifts given to jesus

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Q: What do the sweets on a christingle mean?
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What do the sweet's represent on a christingle?

The fruits or sweets on the christingle orange represent the fruits of the earth and the earth's riches God has blessed the world with.

During a Christingle service what is used as a candle holder?

a christingle .

What fruit is in the middle of a christingle?

The traditional Christingle is made with an Orange. The red ribbon represents the blood of Christ.

Which fruit is used to make christingle?

The traditional Christingle is made with an Orange. The red ribbon represents the blood of Christ.

What does a christingle symbolise?

A christingle symbolizes the light of Christ. The candle represents Jesus as the light of the world, the orange symbolizes the earth and God's creation, the red ribbon signifies the blood of Christ, and the fruits and sweets represent God's blessings and the sweetness of his love.

What does a ribbon mean on the christingle?

The Red Ribbon Represents The Blood Of Christ . Which He Shed For His People , So That Their Sins Would Be Forgiven .

When did christingle start?

eat less you fat bastards

What does it mean when you dream about eating too much sweets and giving some portion of the sweets to my friend in dream?

it means you ARE eating to many sweets

What does the orange represents on the christingle?

the world that the lord god made

What fruit is used to make a traditnal christingle?

im not sure

What does des bonbons mean?

candies, sweets

Why some Christians use a christingle candle?

The Christingle consists of:an orange representing the world;a red ribbon around it representing the blood o' Jesus;dolly mixtures, dried fruits or sweets skewered on cocktail sticks pushed into the orange, representing the fruits of the earth and the four seasons (the representation of the four seasons was a later addition, not of Moravian origin.); anda lit candle pushed into the centre of the orange, representing Jesus Christ as the light of the world.(from wikipedia)