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Q: What do the words in vain most likely mean?
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What does it mean to do something in vain?

To do something in vain means that you do not succeed in doing what you are trying to do; to try in vain is to fail.

What is a homonym for vain?

Though there are many words that have homonyms, homonyms for vain are vein and vane.

What does wait in vain mean?

in vain means the expected result is not going to happen

What is a sentence with the word vain?

Well...You just need to know what vain means.'It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer.'or'My sister is so vain that she talks to herself in the mirror.'or'Some people are vain enough to laugh at ugly people.'

What does a vein man mean?

I think you mean "vain".

What does done in vain mean?

for no point

What is a good sentence with the word in vain in it?

Vain means conceited, or it may mean to no avail. Here are some sentences.She tried in vain to stand on her head.He was as vain as a peacock."You're so vain!" (a song by Carly Simon)

What does it mean to die in vain?

To die in vain means that you died for a cause but your death did not change anything.

Would a vain person be more likely to stroll or to parade?

A vain person would be more likely to parade, as parading typically involves showing off or flaunting oneself in a proud or boastful manner, which aligns with the behavior associated with vanity.

What words can be made from valentine?

Vain, ain't, nine,

How did Artemis kill Chione?

Most likely Artemis killed her with her arrows. Artemis killed Chione because she became too vain after an affair with Apollo.