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the Yurok tribe used dugout canoes out of redwood trees to travel down the Klamath River

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Q: What do the yurok people use for transportation?
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What do Yurok people use for transportation?

the Yurok tribe used dugout canoes out of redwood trees to travel down the Klamath River

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What do the yurok tribe use as shelter?

The Yurok Tribe traditionally used redwood planks to build rectangular plank houses. These houses were made by overlapping planks of redwood and had a slanted roof covered with brush or bark. Today, some members of the Yurok Tribe still practice traditional housing techniques, while others live in modern homes.

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Yurok means down river people in karuk.

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You didn't give me the answer

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they use cars horse and motorcycles they use all type of transportation .

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wood a sphere

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men often wore no clthes