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Q: What do these conventional accounts exclude about the Philippine revolution?
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Can there be savagery and peace side by side?

The dictionary definition is "wild, uncultivated and primitive." As there is no link to agressiveness or warlike behaviour implicit in this description there is no logical reason why savagery should exclude peacefulness.

How do problems of interpretation make it difficult to accurately depict an unfamiliar culture?

They color the depiction of that culture with prejudices based on the values of the culture of the observer. They overemphasize the importance of one aspect of a culture and exclude other important aspects.

Is poverty a synonym for painful?

"Poverty is defined relative to the standards of living in a society at a specific time. People live in poverty when they are denied an income sufficient for their material needs and when these circumstances exclude them from taking part in activities which are an accepted part of daily life in that society." So the answer is no, it isn't.

Why do you think prejudice exists in the world?

Prejudice still exists today because it is an emotional reaction towards someone strange and unknown. Whenever you meet someone who does not look, act, or behave like you, or does not believe in what you believe, you often try to exclude them, because they are unfamiliar to you, and you are not used to, maybe even scared, of their ways. This is called prejudice towards others, and this is why it still exists in today's world.

What is the political philosophy based on nationalism and an all power state?

A political philosophy that stresses nationalism is a right-wing philosophy that is likely to be related to fascism. Nationalism consists in the belief that one's nation is superior to others and has the right to dominate, or exclude, other nations. Nationalist movements are far-right movements that are often racist and xenophobic, believing in preserving the nation for native-born people and excluding immigrants from other ethnic backgrounds.