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The Four Noble Truths are the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, they comprise:

  • Suffering - we suffer because we attach to things that are impermanent
  • This suffering has three causes - desire, hatred and delusion also known as attachment, aversion and ignorance.
  • We can end our own suffering by ceasing our attachment to impermanent things
  • The Buddha presents a way to end suffering through an Eightfold path

The classical definition of these teachings is that the Buddha is a doctor and the first two Noble Truths are a diagnosis of an illness (suffering), the third truth is our own realisation that there is both an illness and a cure and the fourth truth is the cure.

My own personal view is that every Buddhist teaching or practise is essentially based on these Noble Truths. The essence of the teaching is to understand that if you suffer- there is a cause and that you are able to directly have an effect on it. It's about taking responsibility for what we do, say and think.

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Q: What do they call the the truths that Buddha discovered?
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The ideas of Buddha had an appeal over many of Buddha's teachings like the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path!

Where did the ideas of the Buddha have appeal?

The ideas of Buddha had an appeal over many of Buddha's teachings like the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path!

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The definition of a Buddhist could be someone who follows the four noble truths.

Who stated that there were 4 noble truths to end sorrow and suffering?

The Buddha.

What Hindu ideas did Buddha's teachings embrace?

the basic teaching of Buddha was four truths. They all were based on Hindu ideology.

What were the Four Noble Truths and whose teachings they were centered on.?

The Four Noble Truths were not founded on the teachings of Buddha. Buddhism arose from the Middle Path and the Four Noble Truths.

Who created the four noble truths?

The Four Noble Truths were taught by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, when he reached enlightenment. They represent the core teachings of Buddhism and provide a framework for understanding the nature of suffering and the path to liberation.