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addaxs horns

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Q: What do they use the addaxs horns for?
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Related questions

Do cows use there horns for fighting?

yes cows do use their horns for fighting

What are horns of rhinos used for?

They use their horns for fighting or defenses purposes.

Can a goat have horns?

It is very natural for a goat to have horns. They use them for defense so goats actually should have horns.

Why are rhinos poached?

They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

Why poach rhinos?

They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

Did pilgrims use powder horns?


Does a french horn have a valve?

French horns do have valves, but not the same kind trumpets use. Trumpets use pistons, and french horns use Rotary Valves. However, a marching french horn, a melophone, does have piston valves.

What do narwhals use there horns for?

the use their horn to feel things around them!

How did paiute use transportation?

flying horses with horns

Do rhinoceroses eat wood?

no. but they use it to sharpen there horns.

How do male rhinos use their horns?

to battle attacers

What did the plains Indians use buffalo horns for?

The horns of a buffalo were commonly used as containers or makeshift cups from which to drink from. Simple as...=)