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When reading the torah, a silver pointer is traditionally used, called a yad (prounounced YAHD). Yad means hand, and the tip of the pointer is shaped like a human hand pointing.

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Q: What do they use to touch the Torah and what is its Hebrew name?
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What is the Hebrew name for the thing they use to change the page of the Torah?

It's called a yad - in Hebrew text, יד, meaning "hand."

What do they do instead of touching the Torah what is the Hebrew name?

You are thinking about a Yad. It is a pointer in the shape of a little arm, made of silver.See also the Related Link.More about the Torah-scroll

What does desire means in Hebrew?

The Hebrew term for desire is חשק. In the modern translation and use in the Torah, it is used to describe lust or earthly wants. Hebrew teachings strive to teach followers to balance desire and discipline.

Which text did the Hebrew people ancient Israel use?

The main text was the Torah.

Who uses the name Elohim when talking about God?

Elohim is the Hebrew word for God, so Jews and others who speak Hebrew would use this word. It occurs many times in the Torah and Hebrew prayers. In daily conversation, it is also often used in Israel; but Orthodox Jews use it only in Torah and prayer, while in ordinary speech they use a more mundane word (Hashem) to refer to God, in order to show respect for His names.

What do Jew's use to read the worship stuff?

When Jews read the Torah, they use a pointer called a "yad" because they're not allow to touch the Torah with their hands.

What does the Jewish law requiring use of a yad tell you about the value placed on the Torah by the Hebrews?

The yad (a small pointer, usually of silver) is used in order to read the Torah accurately without needing to touch it. This is because of the high honor in which we hold the Torah scroll. See also:Facts about Torah scrolls

When do Jews use the Hebrew bible?

The Hebrew Bible is used for prayer, study, and is read from on special ocassions such as Holidays and Shabbat. The Torah (the first part of the Hebrew Bible) is also read from on Mondays and Thursdays.

How do they keep the Torah scroll safe?

Jews keep the Torah in a separate room and when they need it the Jews can't touch it so they use a pointer when they read from it. I hope that helps

What is the use for a yan?

It's a yad, not a yan. The yad is used as a pointer whilst reading the Torah. As the Torah is holy, no-one is allowed to touch it (excpet the scribe), so people use yads instead.

What is Love always in Hebrew?

The Hebrew word for love is ahava (אהבה) and its oldest recorded use is in the Torah, but its actual origin is unknown.

Why can't Jews touch their holy book?

It is permissible to touch the covered scroll. The only prohibition is to touch the actual parchment itself. That is forbidden out of respect. Also, you don't touch the parchment with your hand so that you don't get the parchment dirty. Even just the oil from your skin can mark or smudge the text. The Talmud forbids touching the Torah-parchment directly (Talmud, Shabbat 14a), as a matter of respect and in order not to damage the letters. Instead, in order to point to words while reading the Torah, they use a silver pointer called a Yad.