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When electrons are transferred rather than shared, the result is an ionic compound. If electrons are shared, the result is a covalent compound. This is true even when the sharing is unequal. In a water molecule, the electrons are shared unequally, since they are more attracted to the oxygen atom than they are to the hydrogen atoms, however, the result is still a covalent bond.

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1w ago

When two atoms do not share electrons equally, they form a polar covalent bond. This means one atom has a slight negative charge due to pulling the shared electrons closer, while the other has a slight positive charge. This uneven sharing of electrons leads to the formation of partial charges within the molecule.

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Q: What do two atoms form when they do not share electrons equally?
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When atoms do not share electrons equally to form a bond?


What bond occurs between atoms that do not share electrons equally?

Atoms that do not easily lose electrons form covalent bonds with other atoms. That is, they share electrons.

"atoms share electrons"?

Atoms share electrons when they form covalent bonds.

Do polar molecules share electrons equally?

No, polar molecules do not share electrons equally. In polar molecules, there is an uneven distribution of electrons leading to a partial positive and negative charge on opposite ends of the molecule. This imbalance results from differences in electronegativity between the atoms involved in the covalent bond.

What chemical bond occurs when atoms lose gain or share electrons?

When atoms lose and gain electrons, an ionic bond will form. When atoms share electrons, a covalent bond will form.

When molecules are formed atoms share or loose electrons?

To form a molecule, atoms can share, lose, and gain electrons

When atoms form bonds with atoms they share?

Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons

When 2 atoms share electrons what is that called?

They share electrons to form a chemical bond.

Which characterizas the bond formed between two indentical atoms?

Depends. Metal atoms form metallic bonds. nonmetals form nonpolar covalent bonds.

What do atoms share to form a bond?

valence electrons

Which kind of bond is formed when two atoms share electrons to form a molecule?

A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share electrons to form a molecule. This type of bond is characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration for both atoms.

Do atoms combine by sharing electrons?

Yes, atoms can combine by sharing electrons in covalent bonds. In a covalent bond, atoms share valence electrons to achieve a full outer shell and form a stable molecule.