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Q: What do two waves tht pass through the same medium at the same time?
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Can electromagnetic waves travel through matter through a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves such as light can pass through material medium such as water, glass etc and at the same time it could pass through vacuum ie a medium of free space.

Can more than two waves pass through one medium?

Yes, they can pass through the same medium, but they will interfere with each other. It's like a bunch of people talking at once. The waves, in this case vibrations that we hear as sound, pass through the same medium, air. You will hear all the different people talking, but it will come across as random noise.

Can s and p waves go through the same medium?


Do radio waves travel through vacuum fasetr than visible light waves?

All electromagnetic radiation has the same speed in the same medium.

What does the word medium refer to in terms of lights and waves?

actually light is nothing but combination of so many Waves. so we can say that light and waves are not different things that means if a light can move through a medium we an say that the waves an also move through that so medium refers the same meaning both in terms of light and waves

In any one material all electromagnectic waves have the same?

In any one material all electromagnetic waves have the same velocity. Electromagnetic waves traveling through a medium travel at the same speed.

Can ultrasonic wave pass through 1Cm thick iron plate?

Yes. Ultrasonic waves can pass through metal. The only difference between "normal" sound waves and ultrasonic waves is that we cannot hear ultrasonic waves. However, they behave the same.

Why ultrasound pass through solids?

For the same reason that regular sound passes through solids. A sound is just a vibration, or jolt, that's passed on from one atom (or group of atoms) to the next; so wherever there is some matter, sound can be transported.

Compare and contrast light and sound waves?

Comparison:Both light waves and sound waves are a method of energy transfer.Both types of waves change their speed when traveling through various media.Contrast:Light waves are electromagnetic waves, and do not require a medium (matter) in order to travel. Sound waves MUST have a medium in order to travelThe speed of a light wave is faster than the speed of a sound wave.Light waves are transverse waves. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

What are waves in which matter in the medium moves in the same direction as the wave?

longitudinal waves.

What happens if two different waves go through same medium?

I believ they interfere. Either constructive or destructive.

State 2 differences between transverse waves and longitudinal waves?

First and foremost is that rigidity is essential for transverse waves to travel through the medium. But in longitudinal it is not essential. So transverse waves cannot be propagated through gasses. Second, the vibrations of particles of the medium will be perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave. Whereas in the case of longitudinal waves, the vibrations are in the same direction as that of the wave propagation.