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First of all a Reality Check. Life does NOT arise from Non-Life. this is a basic principle of Biology. a Voodoo doll is an inanimate object, as are all dolls. the whole mythology- and myth it is , is based on sympathetic magic, say placing pins in the shoulder of the doll will ( transplant) pain in the shoulder of the targeted person. the whole thing is childish and moronic. It is doubly sad how really silly movies such as ( Chucky) which have ZERO basis in reality are so popular with certain audiences. it is not even good and evil, as in detective dramas, but wildly implausible and impossible nonsense taklen very seriously. it is sad this Googoo goofus is so catchy.

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Q: What do voodoo dolls do if you almost chop its head off?
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I have a string voodoo doll that looks like a devil with wings and an oval head what does it stand for?

Voodoo dolls when made are very personalized things. They are often made to look like or represent the person being worked with. (Keep in mind voodoo dolls are rarely used for negative purposes). Chances are if the doll was made with a specific person in mind, the wings and other details were made as things that were meaningful to that person. There is also a chance that the doll was simply made as a decorative piece and doesn't have any specific symbolic reasoning behind it.

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chop off their head.

What if you cut a voodoo head off....what effects the person?

I think so. I mean, if you poke them, it hurts, so wouldn't it be the relevant answer to think that you would croak if your voodoo doll's head got cut off? i think so. <><><><><> Voodoo has no power beyond what the recipient gives it.

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Bobble head dolls can be purchased from many companies on the internet. The most common places to check for buying a bobble head doll is eBay, Amazon, or Walmart.

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Chop off his real head.

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chop his freaking head off

How can you cure a strong voodoo spell put on a person to make them love them if the voodoo originates from Thailand but they are not in Thailand?

once a voodoo spell is cast there's no going back that's why you must be careful! Also voodoo spells have not been scientifically proven. It's all in your head man!