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A grand staff, mostly used in piano or other keyboard music.

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Q: What do we call a staff created by both a base staff and a treble staff?
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What is a Staff created by both the BASS STAFF and the TREBLE STAFf?

The Grand Staff

What is the staff that denotes high voices and instruments called?

The treble clef or the G clef they are both the same thing

What is the correct term for the two staff music that is used for the piano?

It is called a grand staff. It has both treble and bass clefs, as it is two staffs put together. :)

What is a Great stave?

The Great Stave is the combination of both the treble clef and the base clef

What clef does the marimba play in?

Usually a marimba, played with 2 mallets it is written in treble cleff. When playing with four mallets, usually the part for the right hand is written in treble cleff, and the part for the left hand is written in bass clef

What pitches are common in both treble and bass clef staffs?

The staves themselves don't have notes in common. The bottom line of the treble clef staff is E above middle C, and the top line of the bass clef staff is A below middle C. Theoretically, using leger lines, any note could be in common, but it might be hard to read.

What are some instro ments that uses treble clef?

Some instruments that read in treble clef are the flute, violin, guitar, piano (the top staff), oboe, trumpet, clarinet, and alto saxophone. Really, if the instrument has the potential, they can read in many clefs. The cello, for example, can read in both bass and tenor, given you know how to read both. The french horn can read treble and bass. It depends on the intrument's range.

A flute uses what clef treble or base?

Treble clef, and bass clef, are just clefs, all notes can be played by writing with both of these clefs. If you mean, can the bass clef play below middle C, then yes, but just below at its Bb. The question itself is vague.

Is the sousaphone played in bass clef or treble clef?

Sousaphone music can be transposed in both bass and treble clef

What key does a flute play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

What Octaves are in treble clef?

The bottom line of the treble clef is E4 and the top line is F5, so portions of both (but not the entirety of either) the fourth and fifth octaves on a piano are in the treble clef.

When reading music for the piano the treble clef is played with the right hand True or False?

Usually this is the case But sometimes both hands can be in Treble or Bass clef So, the answer is both true and false