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Q: What do we call the smashing together of atoms in the sun?
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Nuclear fusion powers the Sun. What elemnts in the sun are fused together in the sun?

Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium and energy.

What kinds of atoms are fusing or combining together inside the sun?

At the age the sun is now it is still fusing hydrogen into helium.

What is the difference between nuclear fusion in the sun and nuclear fission in a power plant on earth?

Fusion and fission are opposing processes. In the sun, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium. On earth, the most commonly used element is uranium, which is split into smaller atoms.

What causes magma in the sun?

There is no magma in the sun. The sun is much hotter than magma. At the sun's core hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing enormous amounts of heat which causes the sun to glow brightly.

Where does atomic fusion come from?

I'm not sure what you are asking, but atomic fusion is a process by which two atoms are forced together to form one larger atom. This is the process that drives the sun where it is mostly fusing two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. Fusion reactions can also occur here on Earth in a hydrogen bomb explosion or in a particle accelerator where atoms are smashed together at great velocity and occasionally stick together to form new atoms. This is basically the process by which transuranic elements are created.

Related questions

Which energy source is power by the sun?

The Sun's energy comes from its great force of gravity smashing together the hydrogen atoms in the Sun's core. This is a process known as nuclear fusion.

Does electrical energy powers the sun?

No, the Sun's energy comes from its great fore of gravity smashing together the hydrogen atoms in the Sun's core. This is a process known as nuclear fusion.

What force holds the sun together?

The sun is just a huge ball of hydrogen and helium. The heat created on the sun is from billions of hydrogen atoms smelting together to helium atoms. All these atoms are held together by the gravity.

How was most of what you know about atoms discovered?

they were discovered when the sun was made. when atoms fuse together in the sun that creates solar flares and more gas in the sun

Why is the amount of hydrogen in the sun decreasing?

The sun is fusing hydrogen atoms together, turning them into helium.

Nuclear fusion powers the Sun. What elemnts in the sun are fused together in the sun?

Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium and energy.

What element is created when hydrogen atoms fuse together in the sun and core?


What is our sun fueled by?

Our Sun, as with all main-sequence stars, is heated by the energy of fusing hydrogen atom to make helium atoms. The gigantic gravity of a main-sequence star causes hydrogen atoms to be smashed together, or 'fused'. The huge heat that results keeps the Sun puffed up to its huge size. In another 4.5 billion years, more or less, the hydrogen will be largely used up, and the Sun will shrink to a point that helium atoms are smashed together, creating lithium atoms. When all the lithium atoms have been largely smashed together and used up, the Sun will shrink again, and beryllium atoms will result.

What kinds of atoms are fusing or combining together inside the sun?

At the age the sun is now it is still fusing hydrogen into helium.

What prosses gives the sun its energy?

The sun gets its energy from the process of fusion, where hydrogen atoms are fused together in the high temperatures and pressures of the Sun's core to produce helium atoms and release energy in the form of gamma rays..

Is the sun really fire or is it something else?

No. The sun is not really made of fire. It is made of plasma; gas so hot that electrons start to break free of atoms. The process that powers the sun is not burning as we understand it, but nuclear fusion. Burning, or combustion as scientists call it, involves some flammable substance undergoing a chemical reaction with oxygen. In such a chemical change, atoms rearrange how they are bonded to one another, but the atoms themselves do not change. At the center of the sun, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium atoms. The nuclear fusion in the sun is releases millions of times for energy than you would get from burning the same amount of fuel and produces far higher temperatures.

What causes the seasons from changing?

The sun, during Summer, becomes hotter due to an elevated frequency in the nuclear reactions produced in the sun and the opposite occurs during Winter. This is all due to the proximity of the planets in relation to the sun as the gravitational pull of the planets act to exacerbate the gravitational pull of the planets, causing the sun to effectively have two different gravitational pulls combining. this is what causes the increased or decreased frequency of hydrogen atoms effectively smashing together and therefore the sun becomes hotter or colder, causing the seasons on earth to change.