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Q: What do we say to are black ball of eyes?
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Why does 2d have no eyes?

He does in fact have eyes. What he received from Murdoc on both occasions that he was hit with his car was what is known as an eight ball fracture- the iris of the eye fills with blood and often looks black- hence why his eyes are black.

What was the origin of the joke what do you say to a woman with two black eyes?

A Black Eyed Woman

How do you say i have black eyes in french?

j'ai les yeux noirs

How do you say she has black eyes in Spanish?

Ella tiene ojos negros.

How do i say i have black eyes in french?

j'ai les yeux noirs

Are coal black eyes possible?

Not really, but some eyes are so dark (brown) that they almost look black. sorry for barging in , the question about the dark eyes wasnt mine but i would like to say they are possible because i have coal black eyes and jet black hair !!! sorry for barging in ! thanks x

What do you say to a blonde with 2 black eyes?

Nothing. You already told her twice.

How do you make a clay whale?

You must have Black Clay and White Clay. You must make a big ball with your Black Clay. Then, make a cone shape with Black Clay. Then make the eyes by putting small balls of Black Clay on round flat pieces of White Clay. Then attach this to the front of the big ball of Black Clay. Then, use a spoon and put it into the middle of the clay below the eyes. Then cut out triangles of cardboard and stick it in the back of the clay ball. Then paint it black. Turn your Orca upside down and add white clay for the underparts.

What do you say to a lady with 2 black eyes?

nothing you haven't already told her twice.

Why are 2D's eye's black?

He does in fact have eyes. What he received from Murdoc on both occasions that he was hit with his car was what is known as an eight ball fracture- the iris of the eye fills with blood and often looks black- hence why his eyes are black.

What was different about edward's eyes?

Edward's eyes were different because they were golden when he was well-fed on animal blood, and they turned black when he was thirsty and craving human blood. This was a distinct trait of vampires in the Twilight series.