

What do wild mice sleep in?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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14y ago

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I found a baby mouse in a driveway today. It's eyes were still closed and it was still alive, so I took it inside. I fed it some cow milk from a tiny spoon and it drank it all. I tried putting it in a little box with a dry washcloth in it and a few bits of leaves. The baby seems to find it comfertable because it sleeps in it a lot.

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14y ago

they probley make a bed out of leafs leaves how ever u spell it

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Q: What do wild mice sleep in?
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depends, different mice sleep differently but yes that is a common way

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Not all mice are wild. You can buy domestic mice from a pet shop, they have been bred to be tame. Though most mice are wild, they are the kind that live outside and sometimes in people's houses. Wild mice are pests because they can endanger native animals and invade people's houses. Pet mice are actually really good though.

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Can a wild mouse live with pets?

The answer should probably be "No". I researched this online and it is always recommended against. But, I caught a wild mouse and keep her as a pet rather than kill her or release her to the cold Chicago winter. She ran on her wheel and explored her cage for a few weeks, but then quit. I was worried that she was getting lonely so I bought another female from the pet store. They live together fine without issues. They sometimes sleep together and sometimes sleep in separate houses. The only concern is that 90% of wild mice carry diseases and may pass them on to the store bought mice. My answer is yes, I have had field mice to live over 3 years in with my domestic mice. For 4 years now I have been trying to cross breed field mice with domestic ones. No success with the cross breeding yet, It seems that the male domestic mice are too large and cause the female field mice to hemorrhage when breeding, I have not been able to keep a male field mouse long enough to breed with a domestic female yet.

Is it safe to handle wild mice?

If you don't mind potential bites and disease.