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There is no single universal opinion that "we think" about witches in the present day. In the United States, the United Kingdom and most Western nations, Wicca and other forms of Paganism are recognized as a legitimate religions, and witches have the same rights as all citizens. There continue to be some countries that outlaw witchcraft; however, the targets of prosecution (and persecution) tend to be the victims of gossip, superstition and fear rather than actual practitioners of Wicca or Witchcraft.

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9y ago

In the present world witches look scary and very intimidating. They dress in dark colors and carry very scary weapons to scare away people.

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What do witches look like?

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Like regular old people maybe a little strange but thats all

Do witches still exist today if so what kind of witches?

There are many people whom identify as a Witch today. Some of these people are also known as Wiccans however not all Witches are Wiccans.