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Show them some respect, listen to them and don't treat them differently when your friends come around. They really want to know that they are important to you all the time not just when it is convenient for you.

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Q: What do women appreciate most?
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Most women appreciate that. Its a nice gesture.

Do men try to help women by telling them what they should do?

Some men do try to do that, and that is how they see it, but it is not how most women would see it. Most women would see it as being bossed around and would not appreciate it.

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listening to her

Why is women history celebrated?

Women History month is celebrated to honor women and to appreciate what they did for us.

How do you any woman?

Not all women like the same type of man. But women appreciate honesty in a man.

How do you get any woman?

Not all women like the same type of man. But women appreciate honesty in a man.

When a woman says i appreciate you?

When a women says she appreciates you this means she is thankful for you. If she says a specific thing like; I appreciate your friendship, I appreciate you calling me today, I appreciate the flowers you gave me today. There are many ways a woman can appreciate a man or another person as far as that goes, such as in a marriage, your wife might tell you she appreciates all the hard work you do to provide for our family.

What do women love most about men?

It depends on the man and on the woman. It is either looks or personality or both.

Who has the most beautiful hair in the world?

You do!! Appreciate yourself!!

What characteristic do you appreciate most in an employer?

Mutual respect!

Do we appreciate Verterans?

Yes, most people in civilized countries appreciate Veterans. This is so in the US and Great Britain, among others.

How do you respond when someone say they appreciate what you have done for them?

you are most welcome