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A mutt with drive and working ability.

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Q: What do you call Australian shepherd and border collie mix?
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What would you call a rat terrier and border collie mix?

a border terrier. i think. or a rat collie!

What do you call a Norfolk terrier and Australian shepherd mixed?

a norfolk Shepard or Australian terrier

What is the best name for a border collie?

i have a border collie girl and mine is called Hollie. I find you have to find a name in which you aren't embarrassed, to say/call outside when out for a walk.

What would a name be for a Yellow Lab German Shepherd and border Collie mix breed dog such as Cockapoo and things lke that?

The correct name is a cross breed, but you could call it a Labmanollie, as it covers all three breeds.

Is there such dog as a collweillab shepherd?

Well, not really. That's just what I call my dog. She is a four way mix between a Collie, Rottweiler, Black Lab and a German Shepherd.

How should a border collie puppy behave?

You Call Matthew Ssamanda From St. Pauls Academy To Suck Its Dick.

How many types of collies dogs are there?

There are only rough collies and smooth collies. Some people call shetland sheepdogs minature collies, but they aren't.

Who is shepherd in Call of Duty?

Shepherd is a General in the US army on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

How can you know when you are ready to get a border collie?

You are ready to get a Border Collie when you know you can outrun a two year old child. Border Collies are active. #1 A large Fenced in backyard is a start. I started with a half of an acre, now I have five acres just for the dogs. #2 you must have patience and time. A bag of liver treats will help with your training. #3 you will need a kennell. Unless you have a large barn or an outside house for your dog out of the elements of the weather, you will need a kennell. A Border Collie without a kennell is Border Collie who will get in trouble. My first Border Collie ate my bed posts. Now I Kennell all my Border Collies that "come into the house" until they are fully training and "out of the puppy stage." #4 puppies need plenty of chewy bones that are safe for dogs. These are reasonably inexpensive at your local grocery store. Ask your meat manager to cut you some dog bones. They are three for $2. Dog toys and frisbees are a Border Collie Favorite. Make sure you buy the KONG frisbees that last longer. #5 A leash that is strong enough to hold a dog twice their weight. Border Collies may either chew through the lead or pull so hard they break it. Leash training is necessary for all new puppies. I consider Border Collies puppies until they are 3 years old. #6 Obedience training. First train yourself. THen the dog. If you don't, the Border Collie will train you. They are so smart that you will need to be one step ahead of them at all times. Just like that two year old child, you will need to be PRO active with your Border Collie. #7 Love. Each Border Collie has a need for affection. I hold a treat in my hand, next to my eye, and I call my dog's name. Then I give them the treat. I give them a treat when they enter the kennel. I call their name when I play frisbee with them. A dog's name is important. Your relationship to the dog is important. If you think you will be gone most of the time, the Border Collie is not for you. This breed needs attention, training, love and discipline. LIke rearing a child, one must be attentive to the growing needs of this breed. I don't recommend small apartments for this breed. Occassionally you will find a Border Collie with a calm temperment. But do not leave the Collie alone in your apartment without a kennell. You may find your furniture chewed. The rule I was raised with is DO NOT kennell your dog more than 3 hours. If you need to, bring in a dog sitter to let them out for an hour to run and play and have fun once every three hours. If a dog sitter is not an option, I would not kennell the dog all day. I would not get a dog. It is not fair to the dog. Outside dogs must have a doghouse, water, and a fence. I do not recommend tethering this breed, it would be inhumane.

What do you call a sheep herder?

A shepherd.

What do you call a goat shepherd?

A goatherd.

American call it wildfire.What do Australian call it?

The Australian term for a wildfire is bushfire.