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A good Catholic.

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Q: What do you call a Catholic who won't go to a Protestant church?
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Do you have to be christened to get married in a church?

No, you can be baptized in another church, but will have to attend classes to be received into the Catholic Church -----------------------------------All people validly baptised by water and by word are made Catholics. They are expected however to receive tuition in the faith of the apostles and to have this confirmed by a valid bishop.

Difference between Catholics and roman Catholics?

The most common distinctions to be made are these:The Church catholic refers to the universal Church of Christ, which can be found in whole or in some aspect, in all Christian churches, particularly referring to the 'catholic character' of those with episcopal structure and a sacramental life. (Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, etc.)The Catholic Church refers to the entire communion of 23 Catholic Churches, which are in communion with the bishop of Rome.The Roman Catholic Church refers primarily to the Latin Church, one of those 23 churches which make up the Catholic Church, and the largest by far, for which the pope is also patriarch de facto. It is not appropriate to refer to Eastern Catholics as Roman Catholic, despite the fact that they are in communion with the Church of Rome.Unfortunately, some historical uses of Roman Catholic interchangeably with Catholic have confused the issue. The AP styleguide, for example, mistakenly equates the two. Some Catholic authors' views on the topic:Roman Catholic: A qualification of the name Catholic commonly used in English-speaking countries by those unwilling to recognize the claims of the One True Church. Out of condescension for these dissidents, the members of that Church are wont in official documents to be styled "Roman Catholics" as if the term Catholic represented a genus of which those who owned allegiance to the pope formed a particular species.from Thurston, Herbert. "Roman Catholic." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 13. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. .Roman Catholic "A name used by many English speaking non-Catholics for members of the Catholic Church, as a qualification of their exclusive right to be called Catholics, and the term recognized for use in official and legal documents. As every Catholic, of whatever rite, looks to Rome as the center of the Church and the seat of her supreme pontiff [the Pope] and head, the expression in itself is unobjectionable and is in fact sometimes employed by them [witness your humble servant, myself!] especially in certain countries of Europe. But its use by Catholics is unnecessary and having regard to its connotation for many non-Catholics, sometimes to be avoided.from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, 2nd edition, revised.

What can you wear to a casual church?

anything they wont care they care that you took the time out of your day to come to the church.

What should you do with a boyfriend that won't call you?

um if he wont call you then call him and find out why he wont call you ask whats going on and if that doesnt work, write him a letter and give it to him or ask him at school. but figure out what is going on..

Are Christians and Protestants the same?

maybe...Sort of. Both groups are Christian and share many beliefs. Catholics believe in many traditions that are not Biblically based. Protestants are quite diverse and don't even agree amongst themselves what is "correct" and what is not.The Anglican (or Episcopal) Church tries to be a bit of both, while being not quite either.Roman Catholic AnswerNo. Christianity was started by Our Blessed Lord on St. Peter (See St. Matthew 16:17-19) who promised that there would be one Church (one fold) and one shepherd and that He would be with It until the end of time. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide it into all truth. Protestants (as of last count, some 33,000 different "denominations") are a heresy that was started in the sixteenth century by people who disagreed with what Our Blessed Lord teaches in His Church. Thus they separated from the Mystical Body of Christ, the "one fold with one shepherd" and started their own religions that worship the way they want. Aside from some superficial similarities like both use the words "Christian", "salvation", etc. they are completely different, and define these words completely differently.

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call the company

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I go to this church and it doesn't feel right i found this new church you love it but mum wont let me go wat do i do?

Roman Catholic answerYour mum is your primary educator and you owe her honor and obedience as directed by God in the Ten Commandments. You should tell your mum how you feel, then listen to her, and do what she tells you. God is more pleased by your obedience then by your feelings.

Why wont he call after he said he was interested?

just give him sometime than you call him first if he dont call after 3 days.

Why wont my boyfriend call for 3 days?

maybe busy?

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John Thornton

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An insulator