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Growth hormones

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Q: What do you call a chemical that affects how a plant grows and develops?
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What part of the plant becomes the shoot?

plumule develops into a shoot and then form a shoot system

What is the name of a chemical that affects how a plant grows?

Gosh, so many: Calcium. Magnesium, Nitrogen, Phophprus, Iron, Potasium...the list is pretty long for required nutrition.

Is the seed is the young plant that develops from fertilized egg?

A seed eventually develops from a fertilized plant egg. A seed is the mature fertilized egg cell of a plant. It is the embryo developing from the fertilized plant egg. The seed, however, develops from the ovule during embryo formation in it.

How household chemical effect on plants?

The Acid within the chemical affects the photosynthesis and process of the plant which goes through the plant and effects this process .

When the seed develops it is attached to the ovary. Which part of the seed shows that it was once attached to the ovary?

The epicotyl is the upper part of the baby plant. What will the epicotyl become when the baby plant grows?

Which sequence shows the order of stages in a plant life cycle?

(1) seed develops inside fruit → seed is dispersed → seed germinates → plant grows (2) seed is dispersed → seed develops inside fruit → seed germinates → plant grows (3) seed germinates → plant grows → seed is dispersed → seed develops inside fruit (4) seed is dispersed → plant grows → seed germinates → seed develops inside fruit The answer is number 1.

The life cycle of plant?

In the beginning - Seeds How do they grow? - Germination Seeds on the move - Travel A seed germinates, grows, and develops into a plant.

What are the parts of the seed that later develops into roots?

The part of the seed that later develops into roots is called the radicle. It is the embryonic root of the plant that grows downward out of the seed and anchors the plant into the soil.

Does a plant that grows in sand grows stronger than a plant that grows in cotton or oil?

answer: yes, a plant that grows in sand grows stronger than a plant that grows in cotton or soil. =)

When a plant grows into a shrub is it chemical or a physical change?


What is a plant that grows in the state Ohio?

The plant that grows in Ohio is the Buckeye tree.

Is salvia acidic or basic?

Salvia divinorum is not a chemical substance it's a plant that grows in Oaxaca Mexico which has some hallucinogen effects.