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Q: What do you call a cold puppy sitting on the rabbit?
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How does a rabbit catch mixamytosis?

Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!!

If baby bunnies are cold are they dead?

Rabbits can die of very cold weather (anything below zero degrees fahrenheit)Extreme ColdExtremely cold weather for rabbits is anything below zero. You need to get your rabbit indoors or in a barn so that the rabbit doesn't die of cold. But no matter what, don't put your rabbit in your garage if you run any kind of vehicles in there. It can intoxicate the rabbit and kill it. The Bunny ColdSometimes, when a rabbit is ill with the cold you here little sniffles or you hear a sound like snot being sucked in and out of his nose or mouth. You can look at his nose to see if its wet and if there is any snot dripping out of his nose, like yours would if you had a cold. Then you need to get him to a doctor and he will give you medication if necessary. The most noticeable sign of a rabbit cold is the noise they make and the runny nose. Anyway, extreme cold can be the cause of death for any living creature.

How do you think a period of cold spring will affect the rabbit population?

The rabbit population will be reduced if there is a cold spring, because the rabbits won't be as active, and the food supply will be reduced. However, the activity of predators will also be reduced; so this factor will mitigate the reduction in the rabbit population somewhat.

Why is your puppy trembling and shivering?

A puppy that trembles and shivers is probably frightened. It may have been mistreated in the past. It may be in pain. It would be a good idea to have the puppy examined by a veterinarian, and if it is healthy give it lots of cuddling and a quiet environment if possible.

Can rabbit eat cold apple?

Rabbits can eat cold apple as a treat only. Too many treats can (and usually will) make a rabbit sick. Pet rabbits should mostly eat a lot of hay, with some fresh greens and pellets daily, and water. Apple and other fruit are not a regular part of a wild rabbit's diet. A bite or two of rabbit every few days will probably not harm a healthy rabbit that eats a balanced, healthy diet. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet.

Related questions

How does a rabbit catch mixamytosis?

Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!!

Why does your rabbit sound rattly?

Rabbit has a cold and/or pneumonia. Take it to a vet.

What do you do when a puppy is cold?

You can put a blanket in the dryer for a minute and then cover the puppy to keep it warm.

Can a puppy catch a cold from a kitten?

yes they can.

If you have a cold can your puppy catch it?

i don't think so maybe i think it depends on the cold since puppy even babies have weak emun systems!

What will happen if you pour cold water on a puppy?

It will get wet and cold, which would be cruel.

What can cause a puppy to be cold to the touch?

if it is dead and/or frozen

Blood cholesterol of a rabbit?

it is cold blooded

What should you do if your rabbit is cold?

Give him a blanket!

Your rabbit is making a nest out of fur is she pregnant?

Not always The female rabbit could be having a pretend pregnancy or the rabbit might be cold

How do you stop a cold?

by sitting in bed all day and taking cold drops

Can you give a puppy cold dog food?

Yes!! xx