

What do you call a flowing water?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What do you call a flowing water?
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It's a river

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Does mars have flowing water on it?

mars has flowing water on it

What is called fast flowing water that goes over rocks?

Well it is called rapids but I call it a waterfall

What does flowing water have in a river?

Flowing water has kinetic energy

What do you think changes the land more frozen water or flowing water?

Flowing water typically has a greater impact on changing the land compared to frozen water. Flowing water can erode and reshape landscapes over time through processes like sediment transport and river deposition, while frozen water such as glaciers can also shape landforms but at a slower pace and often in different ways, such as carving valleys or creating moraines.

Which planet might of had flowing water?

Mars and Venus might have had flowing water.

What is a land form that is water flowing from the ground?

Water flowing out of the ground is a spring. An artesian well is one example of water under pressure flowing out of the ground.

What dangers are rivers made of?

stones and fast flowing water can block the water from flowing