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The cell is aneuploid, and the condition is aneuploidy.

The human haploid number is 23. So a diploid cell (one with two sets of chromosomes, one set from each parent) has 46 chromosomes.

Occasionally a mistake occurs in cell division, and the cell does not detect the mistake and stop the division. The mistake involves attachment of spindle fibers to centromeres. The consequence is that, instead of two chromosomes separating and going to opposite poles at anaphase, both members of a pair travel to the same pole. One daughter cell therefore lacks a chromosome, and one has an extra copy.

Among the conditions caused by this non-disjunction are Down's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome.

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15y ago
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14y ago

In eggs and sperm there are only 23 chromosomes, which is normal. It typically depends on which chromosome is missing, or added, that causes differences in the phenotype of the cell.

For example, some trisomy (having 3 copies of a certain chromosome) causes mental retardation.

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15y ago

A diploid cell as the full set of chromosomes or a normal body cell with a full set of chromosomes is a somatic cell

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12y ago

Most non-human cells don't have 46 chromosomes.

In a human, the gametes only have 23 each.

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12y ago

Gametes! Spermatozoa (in males) and ova (in females) have 23 chromosomes. When fertilization occurs --> that makes a zygote (newly formed cell) with 46 chromosomes (or 23 pairs).

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13y ago

a female somatic cell

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How chromosomes dose a human cell have?

23 pairs of chromosomes

How many chromosomes does a human sex cell have a?

23 chromosomes

How many chromosomes does the human sperm cell have?

It has 23 chromosomes.