

Best Answer

The noun or pronoun in a prepositional phrase is the object of a preposition.

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Q: What do you call a noun or pronoun that is in a propositional phrase?
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What word for the noun or noun phrase is replaced by a pronoun?

The antecedent is the noun, the noun phrase, or the pronoun that a pronoun replaces.

What is the possessive pronoun for the sentence the ant colony's?

"The ant colony's" is not a sentence, it's a noun phrase. There is no possessive pronoun in this noun phrase. There is no pronoun in this noun phrase.

Prepositional phrase modifying a noun or pronoun?

A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun is an adjective prepositional phrase. An adjective prepositional phrase almost always follows the noun/pronoun it modifies.

A noun noun phrase or clause that a pronoun replaces?

A pronoun can replace a noun phrase or clause in a sentence to avoid repetition of the same noun in subsequent mentions. This helps in making the sentence more concise and clear for the reader to understand.

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What is the noun phrase and the correct pronoun in that woman over there will help?

The noun phrase is: That woman over thereThe pronoun that can take the place of the noun phrase: sheEx: She will help.

Which is the word for the noun or noun phrase in a sentence that is later replaced by a pronoun?

The word for the noun or noun phrase in a sentence is called the antecedent. This antecedent is later replaced by a pronoun to avoid repetition and make the writing or speech flow more smoothly.

What is the pronoun phrase in We don't like horror films?

The noun phrase in the sentence is 'horror films'. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun phrase is 'them'.Example: We don't like them.

Which part of speech is a pronoun's antecedent?

The antecedent of a pronoun is usually a noun or noun phrase. It is the word or words to which the pronoun refers in a sentence.

A phrase modifying a noun or pronoun is an adjective phrase?

This is true.

Is phrase modifying a noun or pronoun an adjective phrase?

This is true.

Is me a pronoun or object noun?

"Me" is an object pronoun, a word that replaces a noun as the object of a sentence or phrase.