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Q: What do you call a person who collects chicken eggs?
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Who collects bird eggs?

A person who collects nests or eggs and studies them is called an oologist.

What do you call a chicken that has laid eggs?

a cluck because if the eggs are different colors it called a cluck

Can individuals with chicken egg allergies eat duck eggs?

People who are allergic to chicken eggs may be able to eat duck eggs but it depends on the severity of the allergy and what, specifically, in the chicken egg the person is allergic to. Some people are allergic only to chicken eggs, some are allergic to all poultry products and all bird eggs.

What is a technical term for a person that picks up eggs in chicken houses?

Egg Gatherer

How can you tell if it's a chicken egg or a eating egg?

All chicken eggs are eating eggs unless they have been fertilized and incubated. Even then some people eat them and they are call balut. But to answer your question, almost every egg you have eaten is from a chicken since the eggs of other birds are not usually available in stores.

How many eggs does a chicken gather before she sets the nest?

It varies for each chicken. On average between 8 and 15 eggs will fit under a hen. Some hens go way overboard and gather 20 or more. I had a bantam Araucana try to hatch 23 at one time. She was not successful and only 5 directly under her made it to full hatch. There really is no set number, every brood hen makes that call as she collects. Many hens will not just use her own eggs, they will brood the eggs from any hen who lays in or near her nest.

What birds eggs do you eat?

Usually chicken eggs, but quail and ostrich eggs are tasty.

List of animals that kill livestock?

Livestock predator Livestock *Fox*Chicken,duck and goose *Weasel*Chicken,eggs * Wolf*Cow,goat,horse,sheep * Coyote* Goat,chicken, * Raccoon* Chicken,Eggs *Opossum*Eggs,chicken *Skunk* Eggs,chicken

Is a chicken a marsupial that lays eggs?

No. A chicken is a bird. No marsupial lays eggs.

What should be done to eggs of harmful animals?

egg of chicken

What is a fertilizer egg called?

As breeders we call them "Viable eggs". They are fertile but they may not end up as chicks. "Fertile chicken eggs" is just as good when discussing them with others.

What are chicken eggs?

An egg that comes from a chicken