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Q: What do you call a person who likes different kinds of things?
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It's different for every person. Every person has his/her own sports what he/she likes and his/her own skills.

What name is given to a person who enjoy all genres of music?

Melomaniac is a person who likes to listen to different kinds of good music. But not necessarily all of them. Personally, I never met such a person.

Does Miley Cyrus have a certain style?

yes she likes all kinds of things

How do you know a guy likes you and wants to be more than friends?

well each person has their own way to tell someone that message, but a way to tell, other than the obvious, is to find things that are different between you and that person, and that person and everyone else. if things seem to be different, in a good way, then he probably likes you more than a friend.

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It depends what the person likes, each person likes different people.

Is there anything unusual or interesting about spider?

There is a lot of unusual things about spiders, but there is a lot more thing interesting about spiders because there are different kinds that like to do different things like the jumping spider it likes to eat crickects and other things so yes there are things unusual and interesting about spiders.

What do you call a person who likes many things?


What do you call a person who likes plush things?

A sybarite.

What do you call a person who likes soft things?

A snuggler

Why do different animals use different kinds of food?

They like differnet things. Their insides are differnet and their tastey buds are too. Example: I like Vanilla ice cream but Taylor likes Caramel ice cream.

Does sex differ from person to person?

Yes it dose. Every person likes and dislikes different things. One women may like her breast touched, while other would not for example. Same with men, they have there likes and dislikes that differ from man to man.

What kind of person would the be suitable for Professor Layton and the Curious Village?

A person who likes to figure things out. A person who is good at logic. A person who likes these types of computer Games