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Q: What do you call a person who takes a long time to answer a question?
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How long does it take to call someone?

it takes approximately 3mins to call one person.

How long it takes when people redd books?

Erroneous question. It depends on the person and how big the book is.

How long should you wait for a person to decide if he wants to be with you?

That is a question not many people can answer, I feel as long as it takes don't rush things, good question, if only I knew as well, I'm in the same situation, except it is not a guy.

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There is no definitive answer to a question such as this - depending on the simplicity or complexity of the estate being probated, it takes as long as it takes.

What do you call a person with thin long legs?

You shouldn't call them anything.

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how long avandia probate takes and when the person involve gets the award leter

How long does it take for a math question to get answered?

There is no way to have an exact answer. The time it takes to answer a math question depends on the person who answers it and the type of questions. Some math problems can take less than a minute to an hour.

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It depends on the snake.

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As long as it takes, healing time varies from person to person.

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As long as it takes for them to be fit/ready/allowed to return

What do you call a person who is fond of long words?

a sesquipediophile

How long does it takes to drive 70 mph for 10mph?

Your question makes no sense.