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Worry-wart, Worrybaby.

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Q: What do you call a person who worry a lot?
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What do you call a person who stresses too much?

A worry-wart.

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You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.

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umm by phone or if the question is meant to be (waht do you call a person with a lot of money) that answer is rich

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A klutz

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A narcoleptic person; a person with narcolepsy.

When you call a boy and he says that he will call you back and he does not call back what does that mean?

It depends, have you gone out before or has he called you before? if he has called then he probably forgot. Nothing to worry about. I've had a lot of experience. If you're in high school then it means nothing to worry about.

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a medict.

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What do you call a person who buys a lot of things?

A shopaholic.