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Q: What do you call a person with alexithymia?
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Can someone with Alexithymia love someone else?

Well, you can! But, it would be hard because the word Alexithymia means, for example, a person with a lot of anger and emotion. So, if you like or love someone with Alexithymia, it would be your opinion to love him or her at all.

What is a person with Alexithymia called?

I beleive that addiction becomes a vicious cycle going from one distructive addiction to another. Thus being unable to distinguish between real affection and self gratification. I believe that it is a distructive behavior that a person aquires unkowingly for self preservation, thus being shielded from getting hurt. People with Alexithymia may be percieved as selfish and self centered, and with good reason; however, I beleive that the real issue here is trust.

What is the Medical term meaning extreme lack of emotion?

Objective is the medical term meaning without emotion.

Is alexithymiatic recognised as a word?

The term "alexithymia" is recognized as a word in psychology and refers to difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions.

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You call the person a victim.

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you call this person a "confidante"

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you call them a tired person =-=-= or you could call them asleep

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