

Best Answer

i think it's GLacier...

Or it could be you're thinking of an avalanche: it's what happens when a large mass of snow is dislodged from a mountain slope or peak and cascades downward with great speed and force.

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Q: What do you call a very large slide of snow?
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What is a very large slide of snow usually called?

An avalanche, usally known to be extremely dangerous.

How fast can the north American river otter slide in mud or snow?

very fast

Why is there no friction on concrete?

Because ice is very slippery and so you can slide while on concrete you wont be a be able to slide because its not slippery.

Can 6 year olds shovel snow?

They can help shovel if their parents say it is OK. Shoveling snow in large amounts is very hard work.

Why do Eskimos build their igloos from snow and not ice?

Igloos are built from large bricks cut from compacted snow, snow is easy to cut, and light-weight, it is easy to trim and form into the Igloo shape. Ice is very hard, very heavy and not easy to build with.

What should you call your snow leopard?

Snowy, Spot, Crouchy, Leah, Lee, Lenny, Leon, Leonard, and Pia are all very nice names for a Snow Leopard.

What does a cloud look like when it is about to snow?

== == == == They are very large and with very undefined edges. And they are a distinct grey tone.

How do you express the result in large numbers?

Expressing the result of a very large number or even a very small number is what we call scientific notation.

Why do Americans get a snow day when they have an inch of snow?

Not all schools receive snow days just because there is snow on the ground. For instance in the northern part of the country where cities often get heavy or large amounts of snow are more prepared (they have supplies of sand and/or salt to deal with ice as well as many trucks equipped with snow plows). The amount of snow necessary to close schools and businesses could be quite high and usually only happens when it is too dangerous for vehicles to drive until snow can be cleared as much as possible. The southern states which don't receive much snow and therefore don't really need these supplies in large amounts and therefore don't have them readily available for large storms which is why they are more likely to have snow days with very minimal snow on the ground. It could also be that there isn't much snow but the roads are very icy.

Does my car need all weather tires?

All weather tires are not required by law but it is a very important idea if you plan to drive through snow. I would also recommend Snow Chains if your in a large snow area.

How fragile are slide phones?

very very very fragile if you have butter fingers dont get a slide phone

What do you call a very large area of sand?

A desert, a beach, a sandpit.