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Q: What do you call a white horse with green eyes?
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How Many White Horses Are There In Oxfordshire?

White horses are very rare. (Yes there are true white horses.) A white horse is defined as a horse having the genetics that are known to cause Dominant white coloring or Pinto markings called Maximum White Sabino. There is no way to know the exact numbers of true white horses in a given area as registries do not give out that information. A true white or Max Sabino should never be mistaken for a whited out grey horse which will have grey skin and dark eyes, whereas a white horse will have completely pink skin with eyes being brown, blue, green or hazel.

Do giant cuttlefish have green eyes?

no, they have clear white eyes

What do you call it when a horse has two different coloured eyes?

colour blind

What do you call brown green eyes?

hazel, of course

What colour clothing goes with blue eyes?

yellow and white

Does Shaun White have green eyes or brown eyes?

Yes and no, his eyes are hazel which are a mixture of both. At times his eyes will look more brown or green depending on what color he is wearing...Hope I helped.

What color is a horse if it has light blue eyes and pink skin?

The light blue eyes are called wall eyes, and if it has pink skin it might be white, but I would have to see it. The real answer is an albino horse. answer by Danino

If an object reflects red and green light what color will it look to your eyes?

Horse isle answer: blue

When white light shines on a green leaf why do you see green?

our eyes detect the green light that is reflected off the leaf

What was colour of Pierre trudeau's eyes?

Red,white and green

If I have golden brown hair and olive green eyes what color should I wear?

Green w/ white stripes

What does it mean to dream of a white horse looking at you with red eyes?

The meaning of this specific dream depends on the emotions you felt during the dream. Often red eyes on the any animal, whether it's a horse or a wolf or dog or whatever, suggests anger or rage or even demonic possession. In that case, the white horse would symbolize something that you are very much afraid of, or a problem that is threatening to get out of control. Alternatively, red eyes can simply mean that someone's very tired or worn out. In that case the white horse might represent a hero's horse, like the cowboy who rides into town on a white horse or the knight in shining armor who writes on his white horse to rescue someone. In that case the white horse represents yourself and your efforts to be a hero and to help everybody else. But the red eyes suggest that perhaps you have worn yourself out trying to be the hero to too many people too often.