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Adenosine Triphosphate - ATP, is the other name

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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

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What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula Ag3P?

Ag = sliverH2PO4 = dihydrogen phosphatesilver dihydrogen phosphate

Is Monopotassium Phosphate ionic or molecular?

tricalcium phosphate is an ionic compound do to the fact that it is the bonding of a metal and a nonmetal. it is usually only a molecular compound if it is a bond between two nonmetals such as oxygen and hydrogen.

When liquid water is heated are collisions between molecules more violent?

Yes, when liquid water is heated, the temperature of the water molecules increases, causing them to move more rapidly and collide with each other more frequently and with more force. This increased kinetic energy contributes to the phase transition from liquid to gas as the water molecules gain enough energy to overcome intermolecular forces holding them together.

Explain why you call oxygen an element even though oxygen gas in the atmosphere is made from molecules?

Oxygen is considered an element because it consists of atoms with the same number of protons in their nucleus. While oxygen gas in the atmosphere is made up of diatomic molecules (O2), each molecule contains two oxygen atoms bonded together. These individual oxygen atoms are still considered elements because they cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical reactions.

What do you call it when 2 or more atoms join together to form a compound?

When two or more atoms join together to form a compound, this is known as a chemical bond. Bonds can be formed through sharing electrons (covalent bonds) or transferring electrons (ionic bonds) between atoms.

Related questions

What are the three chemical batteries in photosynthesis and respiration?

THose are not batteries. We call them ATP molecules.

What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula Ag3P?

Ag = sliverH2PO4 = dihydrogen phosphatesilver dihydrogen phosphate

What do you call a phosphorus atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms?

A phosphorus atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms is called a phosphate ion (PO4^3-). This arrangement forms a stable polyatomic ion commonly found in phosphates, which are essential components of many biological molecules and minerals.

What do you call the phosphate-rich excreta of birds which is used as fertilizers in Europe?


What is the chemical name of Li3PO4?

The chemical name of Li3PO4 is lithium phosphate. It is composed of lithium ions (Li+) and phosphate ions (PO4^3-).

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What do you call someone who studies elements atoms and molecules?

you call it chemist i think

How do you have a three way call?

to have a three way call you have to call a party. Then, you press flash, and call another party. After it rings, press flash again and you will be in a three way call.

What are the building blocks of nucleic acid's call?

nucleotides, which consist of a 5carbon sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base

What are molecules made of diffrent kinds of atoms called?

They are still called molecules. You could also call them compounds.

What are molecules with one call ed?

Single cell organism?

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