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Q: What do you call an eye that has not fully developed?
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When is a human eye fully developed?

A human eye is typically fully developed by the age of seven. However, vision and eye coordination continue to mature throughout childhood and into early adulthood.

What Does Fully Developed?

tell me what fully developed means

What does fully developed mean?

tell me what fully developed means

What does not fully developed mean?

Not fully developed is partial formed.

Animal three eyes?

Surprisingly, there is. This is the tuatara, a reptile which looks like a lizard. In some lizards there is a gland at the front of the brain called a pineal body, shapes like an eye. In most of these lizards, the pineal body is not fully developed, and does nothing at all, but in the tuatara's case, it is developed fully, and acts as a third eye.

What collection of an eye for an eye laws were developed in Babylon?

It was the developed by The Code of Hammurabi.

Is Denmark developed developing or under developed?

It's a fully developed country.

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Erwin Hank's fully developed NASA in 1958.

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the first sense to be developed is touch

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Your eye is fully grown when you are 13 years old.

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why are kenyan market not well developed

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its where your urethra is fully developed