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Q: What do you call elements that have a net positive or negative charge?
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What do you call an atom with a charge?

If it has a positive charge it is a Cation. If it has a negative charge it is an Anion.

What do you call a substances that posses the same number of positive and negative charge?

zwitter ion eg. proteins

What happens when an atom becomes an ion with a two negative charge?

A negative ion, aka an anion, has a negative charge because it acquired electrons from another now-ion that is positive. An atom because an ion to fill its valence electron shell to the most it can (eight).

Why do conventional current flow opposite to the electron which produce them?

Conventional current is defined as the flow of charge from positive to negative. The terms "positive" and "negative" were first applied to charge by Benjamin Franklin; he chose to call the charge left on a rubbed glass rod as "positive". The conventional terminology was well established by the development of batteries and the need to distinguish their terminals. It was more than a century later that the electron was identified as the subatomic particle which carried electric charge. Unfortunately, it turned out to be negative.

What do you call a negative electrode?

Cathode- is the negative electrode.Anode- is the positive electrode.

What do we call an atom that has an overall positive charge?

An ion, or a positive ion.

Why proton is positively charged?

I am going to borrow heavily from the answer to "Why do electrons have a negative charge?" Protons have a positive charge because the charge is part of what the particle is made of. If it were possible to remove the positive charge from the proton we would then have a neutron.

Why do they call positive numbers positive numbers?

Because their higher then negative numbers and they are 'POSITIVE'

Does current always go from positive to negative?

We call this Conventional Current Flow, where imaginary positively charged particles are repelled away from a positive charge and attracted towards a negative charge.The reality is that electrons are actually flowing through the conductor. Electrons are negatively charged particles and flow from negative to positive. It's just easier to think of a positive current flowing than a negative current.

Is a net loss a negative or a positive?

You can consider any direction as positive, and the opposite direction as negative. However, in this case it is customary to call a gain "positive", and a loss "negative".

What do you call atoms that gain or loose electrons?

== == == == The answer is an ionic atom.== ==when it gains an electron, it acquires partial negative charge and it's at.weight increaseswhen it looses electron; it acquires partial positive charge and at.weight decreases

Is out going a negative connotation?

I would call that positive.